HIV in russia!!

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Postby sbando on Sat Sep 06, 2008 6:53 pm

Besides of that I dont really think this forum is the place a St. Peterbrug quarantaine list belongs to. But sbando may have an other answer.

I think I made myself CLEAR, for fuck's sake! No lists, no names, no allusions, no personal feuds. NOTHING BUT FACTS and pertinent comments.

And didn't I just say I DON'T WANT ANY MORE arguing for the sake of it, just general talk?

A big hug to Juliana, as we've been close to other people here. That personal attack was truly out of place.
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Postby Juliana Grandi (Karmen) on Sat Sep 06, 2008 6:53 pm

and one more fact when like think havier that i was in clinic the same days i was visit him at his location discussing to rent for shoot! with giorgio! i was normal color (you know usualy people yellow) - and i wasnt in clinic - was at home with my boyfriend fucking everydays without condoms
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Postby realtip on Sat Sep 06, 2008 8:03 pm

So has the spread of the virus been contained? Has no one else been affected? I am just hoping that the perfomers are safe and as free from risk as possible.
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Postby gapelover on Sun Sep 07, 2008 5:52 am

sbandoblue wrote:The little story about Juliana is a cheap shot, though, you could have skipped that. Not very gracious.

"It's not a cheap shot, it's the truth.
Juliana needed the money and was willing to work knowing she was Hepatitis B positive ! It shows the attitude of this person.
These are all facts which can be backed up.
It's important to know the source of all this type of serious negative information. The focus should be where it come from, not that Sineplex gave it to her."
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Postby dap-addict on Sun Sep 07, 2008 7:36 am

sbandoblue wrote:
Besides of that I dont really think this forum is the place a St. Peterbrug quarantaine list belongs to. But sbando may have an other answer.

[b]I think I made myself CLEAR, for fuck's sake! No lists, no names, no allusions, no personal feuds. NOTHING BUT FACTS and pertinent comments.

Sorry, you got me wrong here, sbando! :shock:
I was ONLY thinking of the quarantaine list Xavier might be willing to publish as some people asked before. I only wanted to say that in case he would be willing to publish it, this board in my opinion would NOT be the right place.
I did it exactly because I dont want us to be dragged in discussing such lists and guessing further. FACT BASED lists released by studios themselves should be published only in exclusively inside forums.

I am one asking for a lot of transparency as I believe in porn fan`s responsibility and pressure, but Xaviers message was really enough info for me at the moment.
(Sadly also the attack on Juliana, but this is another story)

Btw, repeating realtips question: Thus ALL girls and boys Xavier`s studio(s) worked with are negative now?
if yes, :arrow: :D
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Postby Juliana Grandi (Karmen) on Sun Sep 07, 2008 8:56 am

i wasnt work with hepatip B becouse i was 8 years old
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Postby Juliana Grandi (Karmen) on Sun Sep 07, 2008 9:00 am

and by the way hepatit B finish after 2 weeks as i know
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Postby Juliana Grandi (Karmen) on Sun Sep 07, 2008 9:21 am

and Javier really i am dont care about this story of HIV - its your problem!! i was worry about my ass - but its clean!! i wish you only be careful next time - and dont save money for the girls test - its stupid!! i am out of this business in Russia - i am working ONLY in europe and do test in interlab... so for who you belive more for europe clinic or for Javier??????
and its funny but 1 year ago he told that i have not only Hepatit B also in his mind i had honorea and chlomidii - and its strange that its happend after i told to him that i dont want to work for him anymore! its look like he wasnt agree that i stop to work for him
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Postby camaban on Sun Sep 07, 2008 3:41 pm

So the question is now, who tells us the truth Juliana or Xavier?
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Postby sbando on Sun Sep 07, 2008 4:06 pm

You won't find your answer here :).

DAP, my comment is not directed at you, I just used a quote from a post of yours. I don't see what good (or bad) can come for my site from this. The thread is still open to keep people up to date.

My personal opinion is that QUESTIONABLE WORKING CONDITIONS and the semi-official positivity of a 19 yo girl - AND PERSONAL ATTACKS should be kept separated.
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Postby shelbysbaker on Sun Sep 07, 2008 8:32 pm

sbandoblue wrote:You won't find your answer here :).

My personal opinion is that QUESTIONABLE WORKING CONDITIONS and the semi-official positivity of a 19 yo girl - AND PERSONAL ATTACKS should be kept separated.

Since I recently returned from shooting in St. Petersburg, I'm watching this thread very carefully. So far, the outbreak seems contained and limited to 1 girl, whom I'm very sorry for.

But I have 1 question:

Nowhere in this thread does it say that the girl was 19 years old. You just said it above. Do you know more about this topic than you're revealing?

If I understand the timeline correctly, it seems that the girl might not have had HIV when she last worked in July. She might have gotten HIV after she last worked, and then the positive test in August prevented her from working again. And she only worked with 5 guys from Sineplex, and did no scenes for any other studios. Is this correct?
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Postby sbando on Sun Sep 07, 2008 8:39 pm

No I don't know anything but obviously other people do. You should contact other SP-based producers to have more accurate info.
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Postby Juliana Grandi (Karmen) on Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:01 am

she told herself that she worked for 2 other companys before sineplex (or in the same time) - i dont know for who! one its from ucraine another from moscow - both worked in summer in spb!
yesterday saw first time photo of HIV girl - poor girl....
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Postby sbando on Mon Sep 08, 2008 10:52 am

Ok, this has got out of hand.

Instead of informing readers, this threads is only casting suspicions on people WHO HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.

Juliana is not involved. Joachim is not involved!!!!

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Postby sbando on Tue Sep 09, 2008 4:24 pm

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