HIV in russia!!

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Postby cleopatrox on Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:48 pm

Keni Styles wrote:This is terrible.

My thoughts are for the girl, I hope she is getting the correct support at this moment.

PCR DNA testing should be the industry wide minimum testing standard. Models should also always opt to give swabs so that the samples can be taken for cultures to be extra safe but that is not usually the case for many.

Also we should have a centralized database for the adult industry here in Europe. Or at least accessible databases in each of the main countries. Then we can work confidently, knowing that the testing centers are regulated and the important communications can be passed around immediately.

Of course this will not make anyone immune to the risks of our job but it will make the communication and information sharing almost instant so that we can react accordingly to outbreaks and high risk situations.

The problem here is unity. We don't have any unity in the business here in Europe. If it became industry standard to only be tested in certified databased clinics and all performers, directors and agents stuck together to enforce this then we would be in a much safer place.

Also if no performer could work without certificates from outside clinic's then the increased traffic would mean batch testing and hence lower testing costs too.

The most annoying thing is that this would be so easy to do and yet it hasn't happened. The Americans have got it right with AIM but we seem so far behind them.

Dillon Day is trying his best to do something about this with his 'Safety 1st Laboratory' in Prague. The lab is modern, clean, accessible and has PCR DNA testing facilities. All the results are accessible online.

How difficult would it be for performers, agents and directors to have some unity when it comes to 'OUR' health?

Bravo, Keni!

AIM has been founded in USA after HIV crisis in 1998, when several porn performers like Marc Wallace, Brooke Ashley, Tricia Deveraux, Kimberly Jade, Caroline and Delfin tested positiv for HIV.

After Czech Syph crisis and this case maybe it is time to wake up in Europe!?
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Postby Juliana Grandi (Karmen) on Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:48 pm

Only Xavier can publish list of people who worked with her
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Postby sbando on Fri Sep 05, 2008 7:02 pm

PLEASE, pretty please.

Juliana, anyone else who has an insider knowledge of the facts:


This is generating paranoia and people are being affected despite the fact they have NOTHING to do with this and NEVER worked with the poor thing that tested positive.

A well-known Western performer mentioned above is at the center of unwanted gossiping right now.
*He's nothing to do with all this*

I've heard about an "official statement" by SP-based producers:
that would be a GREAT IDEA in my opinion.
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Postby paroxysmia on Fri Sep 05, 2008 7:35 pm

Juliana Grandi (Karmen) wrote:Only Xavier can publish list of people who worked with her

I like transparency of porn companies ! :lol:
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Postby sbando on Fri Sep 05, 2008 7:57 pm

We're not Luke Ford, no hear-say please or I'm closing this.
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Postby izentgood on Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:33 am

cleopatrox wrote:I can not understand, why nobody call the name of this girl? Where is quarantine list?

Remember HIV crisis in USA in 2004! AIM called the names of infected performers and made the quarantine lists. It saved many performers. The worst thing - to be silent, because every guy (not only in Russia), who worked with this girl could get infection and spread it further.

It is very important to know, when every performer on the quarantine list retested negativ or unfortunately positiv.

You need stop all shoots and to find out, who is patient ZERO. Maybe someone in industry infected this girl and someone else!

The first step is stop the spreading of infection!

I completely agree with you

Porn industry in Europe need to create a quarentine list and the porn industry must stop to shoot and give names to make controls because it's the only way now to protect
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Postby kafkavert on Sat Sep 06, 2008 3:41 am

This is very, very sad.
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Postby charming man on Sat Sep 06, 2008 8:21 am

if there's not a quarantine list and the producers don't stop shooting immediately... the porn industry of SP will disappear in a few months.

and... who knows what's going on the CZ and HU stages.

stop shooting and start a proper test routine!
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Postby Euro Porn Fan on Sat Sep 06, 2008 11:10 am

charming man wrote:if there's not a quarantine list and the producers don't stop shooting immediately... the porn industry of SP will disappear in a few months.

and... who knows what's going on the CZ and HU stages.

stop shooting and start a proper test routine!

Totally agree, and there is no excuse for why this happened with modern medicine and tests available.
I could watch Cindy Hope fuck all day long.
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Postby gapelover on Sat Sep 06, 2008 3:18 pm

Message from Javier:

"I am thankful for Juliana being so great and educating everyone about how real test are done and not those Mickey Mouse bullshit tests that everyone else does in 1 day! You need to wait 1 week like she does! I think she learned her lesson when she came to a shoot knowing she was positive for Hepatitis B and still wanted to work but one of the organizers that has the right to call for results of the girls before they work and found out she had a positive test and confronted her and she said “I think its wrong I am redoing” but still had the nerve to be in make up ready to work with 2 actors! They all refused and later she found out that her second test was also positive! So she disappeared for 45 days and according to her best friend at the time Kristina she was in the hospital getting treatment to keep it from becoming permanent and now she is just a carrier and its no longer contagious (We think we know where Mrs. Grandi got it from J). In any case shows credibility and the need to cause drama and finger pointing- she feels abandoned in SPB just like now she is not being shot so much in Budapest and soon she will learn that her attitude will not carry her far in this industry or any other and as far as her dates I know she is 1 month off (looks like its hear say if she can’t get her dates straight- this is a serious matter and she does not have the facts straight when a timeline is so important in this case!!!) because according to the test that are being shown to credible producers to show timelines and get the real facts so that we find out where she got it from, obviously not from porn, she can at least let that person know so they do not continue to infect someone else, that is the real goal now. Everyone from Sineplex talent has been tested once again and all male talent 3 times already (all negative even the so called European guy which is Brazilian). Just so people understand what PCR and Elisa are in terms of results it’s a closer window to the actual infection (contact) means it looks deeper into the actual virus starting to bind itself to the DNA for replication and that’s it. The window was not needed in this case because she worked from July 9- 23 in 5 scenes. Her test was done on the 8th of July and has a negative result without the need to do a second run (this is when the clinic finds a possible positive and reruns to find out its negative). This is an unfortunate case and that is why we will ask all new girls to not work with producers that do not test the girls themselves and only ask if they have a test and shoot them- there are many like this in Russia and this is why its very risky here because the guys could be the ones that are sick and girls do not know. We plan to better educate the girls into the risks associated with working with studios that don’t take precautions to keep the girls and guys safe. This will be a good example of what could happen if they work outside the circle which will be formed other producers that plan to share the expense of the girls being tested and have strict guidelines as to how the girls will work for us. As far as the clean studio that really is a joke- there is 15-20 people a day and hectic shootings everyone eating drinking talent tend to be very messy and leave their trash everywhere and to have a maid come is not easy but the environment is clean and safe for everyone to bathe and eat even there is sections where is very dirty but the talent is not sitting in it like pigs the shooting room of course is always clean I don’t think anyone can say anything credible since they don’t know what shooting 3-4 scenes a day is like. Any proof of this stories Juliaan HIV and talent test for credible producers can be obtained by emailing "
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Postby sbando on Sat Sep 06, 2008 3:54 pm

The little story about Juliana is a cheap shot, though, you could have skipped that. Not very gracious.

all negative even the so called European guy which is Brazilian

This ENDS all speculations about other actors. Once and for all.

On the other hand, instead of the truth we keep getting insults and innuendos.

Private conversations with other operators seemed to suggest that a common statement was on a way and that somehow we were closer to the truth.

Well, I was wrong.

I won't close the thread, but I will delete each and every post that is just a comment and not actual news.
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Postby dap-addict on Sat Sep 06, 2008 5:23 pm

gapelover wrote:Message from Javier:

(...)Any proof of this stories Juliaan HIV and talent test for credible producers can be obtained by emailing "

This is the first time ever we heard directly of Xavier - and I am really greatful for that as it shows that I was wrong thinking they just dont care. :)
I hope this not only ends wild speculations, but also concerned fans and producers with more questions do write to Xavier and do get an answer!
If this is the case than we do have an important communication break-through here actually!

Besides of that I dont really think this forum is the place a St. Peterbrug quarantaine list belongs to. But sbando may have an other answer.
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Postby xxaru on Sat Sep 06, 2008 6:09 pm

Keni Styles wrote:PCR DNA testing should be the industry wide minimum testing standard.

It should be noted that a negative PCR DNA test does not always mean that the person is HIV negative. Therefore, both test would need to be used and not only the PCR DNA test by itself.

If someone is recently infected (less than 5-7days) then PCR can show up negative. Also, in some cases infected people carry a viral load that is too low to be detected by PCR... thus antibody tests must also be done.
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Postby Juliana Grandi (Karmen) on Sat Sep 06, 2008 6:40 pm

by the way! i Had Hepatit И but when i was 8 years old - so i think you know - that it not possible to take second time!! in russia it still possible to take when you go to stomatology! I wasnt fuck at 8 years old!! now i am 21 and when i was work for sineplex i hadnt any virus! and i stop to work for them becouse giorgio arrive in this time in spb and i have another important thing in my life.... do you need my child medical card about 8 years old???
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Postby Juliana Grandi (Karmen) on Sat Sep 06, 2008 6:43 pm

and you could ask every europen prodaction for who i was work - that i did test in europe! it was the same time when i stop to work for sineplex

and one more thing if one day i will have something wrong in my body - belive i will dissapaper from porn and EBI.... i have a mind
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