HIV in russia!!

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Postby claudia_rossi_fan_1 on Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:18 pm

Bravo !

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Postby RedMaggie on Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:36 am

OMG!!! :evil:
that's really sad and scary... :cry:
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Postby paroxysmia on Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:24 am

RedMaggie wrote:OMG!!! :evil:
that's really sad and scary... :cry:

Clearly. :/

Keep doing solo & lez scenes, you will stay in safety ! :wink:
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Re: true story

Postby gapelover on Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:39 am

Juliana Grandi (Karmen) wrote:this girl arrive to sineplex - did the test!! and it was ok!! after she worked 1 month for them and for one ucraine company and moscow guy (that i dont know). in july she arrive to TeachMyass and the did the test - it POSITIVE HIV!!! did one more time - positive!! one more (Deep test - in russia call PCR) - and its positiv!! girl was send to the main clinic in spb for HIV!!! after everybody begin to discuss this!! but nobody didnt stop to shoot!! problem that usualy russian clinic do IFA test for Hiv - and this kind of test usual take 3 month for show in the blood this shit!! and PCR test coust in russia 5200rubles 160euro - and its too expensive to company to do it for actors!! so they decided forgot about this story - and continiud to shoot!!
.... i think its stupid.....
and what you think about/??

Sad news, but why they continue to work.
Do they want to have more HIV + cases in Russia ?
Every performer should do the PCR test now before start shooting again if they want to stay safe IMO.
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Postby horndogger on Thu Sep 04, 2008 6:55 am

These companies don't pay for the $160euro porn test ? There is some fat cat finance guy behind the scene making a lot of money off these girls
and he doesn't pay $160euro ? That's sad

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Postby Billbo on Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:59 am

That is awful. I don't think most people in porn realize how much better it is in western or central europe.

Considering how much each disc makes in profit even in Russia and especially when sold in the EU, they owners don't want to pay 160 euros for an HIV test? Good Lord. That's evil. Have the rich bastards bankrolling the porn system considered that if their people die, they won't make their money? (To put it in terms that mercenary people like that would understand.) To say nothing that protecting their people would be the right thing to do. Safety is basic in any job.

As silly as it sounds, the performers need to unionize in Russia. Call it the Porn Actors Guild or something like that.

That, or maybe the russian porn actresses and actors need to not work in Russia- there is plenty of opportunity for them in other countries where it is a LOT safer. In most countries, it would be possible to lobby the government for basic protections of workers, but not in Russia.
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Re: true story

Postby dap-addict on Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:57 am

paroxysmia wrote:
Juliana Grandi (Karmen) wrote: and PCR test coust in russia 5200rubles 160euro - and its too expensive to company to do it for actors!! so they decided forgot about this story - and continiud to shoot!!
.... i think its stupid.....
and what you think about/??

Yeah when you say that, you have said all !!

That's the crucial issue: for a company, there is no profit to shoot a girl for 200 or 300 € and pay 160€ to test it...

The deal is fast done: shoot and basta ! :?

Its even worse, paroxysma: They usually pay those rookie girls 100-200 Euro (b/g anal fee) and because of this are supposed to pay for the tests. That`s the way it developped in St. Peterburg (while in Prague/Budapest most girls pay themselves for the tests, but they earn 500 Euro at least for b/g anal).
Sineplex (and other companies?) make max profits selling their porn to the US and Europe, but maximalizing their huge profits they dont want to pay those 160 Euro for the PCR test. It`s a bitter shame! :(

Btw, you are brave to talk about all this here on EBI, Juliana! And I can well immagine who told you not to talk about it here...
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Postby Juliana Grandi (Karmen) on Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:06 am

hehe everybody know who want to close this information =)
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Postby Virolai on Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:36 am

Sad :?

Will it affect central Europe porn? I mean, some guys work with russian girls but also with czechs and hungarians
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Re: HIV in russia!!

Postby aquin on Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:24 am

Juliana Grandi (Karmen) wrote:ok - and at the end we got it!! =)) RESULT of "GOOD" comapnies!!
girl that had positive HIV test was work 1 month on sineplex!!! =))) WOW. COOL. BRAVO!!
like this people care about health - and now everybody continiud to work
i am only happy that last time i work in may in Spb and this girl arrive in sineplex in June!!
i am scare for many good people that still work.... i am sorry for everybody...

this is really bad news, and proves the importance and the weakness of all the discussions in the past months. personally i hope this will stay a singularity.

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Postby Juliana Grandi (Karmen) on Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:50 am

yes one europe guy was worked with her!! i think its not ice publish name!! but i called to company that i know for this story already 2-3 ago
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Postby hopless3 on Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:08 pm

paroxysmia wrote:I hope the girl didn't infected Timur Hardy & Oliver Strelly, in this case 80% of Russian porn will be down ! :roll:

I hope she didn't infect anyone.
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Postby RedMaggie on Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:37 pm

paroxysmia, yes after threads like this one I do not want again try myselff in boy/girl scenes.. :(

But I guess not all newbies read EBI and for them all is still ok.
Standart talk with the agent look like this:
- What about tests?
- All is ok, all actors are ok too...
- But I heard something about HIV..
- hey, relax, silly!! Or you don't believe me? Or you don't want become a superstar? Or maybe I should find another model, not you, and stop wroking with you???
- Ah, sorry, sorry, all is fine, I'm ready to work.
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Postby OneWhoKnows on Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:02 pm

That's very very sad news! I really hope that no one got infected by this girl, too - but unfortunately chances are pretty high that this is the case, especially if she did anal, which she obviously did when her her positive test appeared at Teach My Ass.

All I can say is that I hope that certain people finally start to think now and maybe understand why money for HIV tests is money that HAS TO be spend in the porn industry under all circumstances. And with "certain people" I don't mean Sineplex especially, but all Russian producers who don't seem to care much about health of their performers.

Like I said before, the porn scene in Piter finally has to become more professional, which obviously still isn't the case, as Maggie's example of a "Standart talk with the agent" clearly shows. People like TeenCore seem to be the proof that it's actually possible.

Best wishes to everyone who is personally involved in this!
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Postby ze_dude33 on Thu Sep 04, 2008 6:14 pm

It sucks ! :x
One again,money is more important than morality ! :evil:
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