How to organize addictions

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How to organize addictions

Postby Orso Nero on Wed May 06, 2009 6:10 am

I'm doing quite a bit of researching lately, so I've come up with a bunch of additions to do. I'm in doubt about the best way to submit them:

On one hand I'm working by title (heck I've even signed up to a vod just for researching purpose...), so especially for titles not featured in EBI this lends naturally to post castings. In this way one can also post the vidcaps relative to the title all together, and ask for help for questionable id, unidentified performers and so on...

On the other hand:
i) Having a batch of additions for a given model submitted together maybe is preferred (as in being less a chorus to do) from the point of view of updating the database...

ii) Giving notice of additions for a girl in her thread makes them much more noticeable for anyone interested in that girl. To this effect I'm thinking that maybe is a good idea (whenever posting a cast) to post a pointer for all the girls in it that already have an additions/ebi collectors/ebi girls of 2009/etc. thread...

I'm not speaking about an handful of additions. I took the habit of taking a note whenever I see a girl in a title not credited on EBI, with the idea of submitting them with leisure in a later moment (after I've accumulated a few titles: don't want to do an add post for just one, maybe not particularly interesting, title)... and I realized that as of now I've notes for 100+ girls...

Finally, maybe is better grouping the casts for a series or even a studio/line together (ie starting a container thread, instead that a new thread for every cast)?...

So please give me same advice...
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Re: How to organize addictions

Postby Frigo on Wed May 06, 2009 3:42 pm

hmm... hard to say. If it is more than e.g. 3 additions per model, it would be nice to make postings per model and not per movie/website. At least that is easier for me to add to the database.
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Re: How to organize addictions

Postby Orso Nero on Thu May 07, 2009 6:36 am

Ok, it is more or less as I suspected, so I'll try to somehow batch them and submit them by models...

I mean, the problem (for me) -since this is a work in progress- is deciding when I've grouped enough adds for a given girl to submit an update. Ideally before doing so it would be nice to do a bit of cross searching for reaping the low hanging fruits (i mean look up her on iafd, egafd, a couple of good videoshop and then check what you've got), but this -while a lot of fun!- is incredibly time consuming. For instance I'm doing so now with Rachel Evans (I like to do so every now and them for myself, with girls that I like particularly) and I've turned up some 30 or so unlisted movies with her...

Also in this way you risk ending up waiting and waiting, piling up materials upon materials for future submssions that you'll never do in the end...

So i'll try to proceed with a bit of common sense, waiting for more material when I've just got a couple of boring entries for say a prolific girl for whom you do expect to stumble in more titles shortly, while maybe submitting even just one add for a girl that has only an handful of titles listed...

By the way, probably it is nothing new for the regulars here, but I'm impressed with how good a work some shop/vods does with credits. Not so many times ago it happens often that they do not index in their search engines even title that does have full meaningful credits on the cover, while now I've stumbled in a vod that turned up on their searches performers even for titles with no credits at all on the covers: that is useful! Turned up quite a few titles with Rachel Evans, for instance, this way...
I spent 90% of my money on women, drink and fast cars. The rest I wasted. -George Best
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