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My name is now in orange, what's going on?

Thu Jun 08, 2023 3:23 am
by Ken
So, I realised some members' names including mine are in orange color which I haven't seen before.
Does that mean anything?
Re: My name is now in orange, what's going on?

Thu Jun 08, 2023 10:06 pm
by robot
Ken wrote:So, I realised some members' names including mine are in orange color which I haven't seen before.
Does that mean anything?
lol you're welcome
Re: My name is now in orange, what's going on?

Sat Jun 10, 2023 3:05 am
by Ken
robot, you are in red. Am I morphing into red in the future?
Re: My name is now in orange, what's going on?

Sat Jun 10, 2023 4:32 pm
by BigdishUK
An important question.
Isaac Newton thought the Pythagoreans were pretty great.
When he started his work with colour, he originally only subdivided the spectrum into five colours (red, yellow, green, blue and purple), but revised the number to seven, adding orange and indigo, because Pythagoras believed that there was a connection between colour and music.
There are seven natural notes, so there should also be seven principal colours.
So you are musical and I am blue.....
Re: My name is now in orange, what's going on?

Mon Jun 12, 2023 4:16 pm
by robot
Ken wrote:robot, you are in red. Am I morphing into red in the future?
no clue. i'm just the rabbit mascot around here

Re: My name is now in orange, what's going on?

Mon Jun 12, 2023 4:22 pm
by robot
BigdishUK wrote:Ken
An important question.
Isaac Newton thought the Pythagoreans were pretty great.
When he started his work with colour, he originally only subdivided the spectrum into five colours (red, yellow, green, blue and purple), but revised the number to seven, adding orange and indigo, because Pythagoras believed that there was a connection between colour and music.
There are seven natural notes, so there should also be seven principal colours.
So you are musical and I am blue.....
You're blue?

disclaimer: les lapins qui ont la mixomatose ont les yeux rouges. Are they color-blind? hmmm.
Re: My name is now in orange, what's going on?

Wed Jun 21, 2023 1:24 pm
by Norman Nailer
Ken, beyond the abstruse theorizing and the jokey stuff, there is reason to believe that you get an orange name when someone thinks you are a reliable friend of this forum.
A bit like a new porno chick graduating from the 'Add a Babe' section to the main index.
The only conundrum: ole Henry James turned orange last year, and was banned on that very same day. Possibly offended someone, but no point worrying now, for he was very quickly dead of a broken heart.
There are, after all, no immortals.
Well, Lucy Lee, perhaps.
Re: My name is now in orange, what's going on?

Fri Jun 23, 2023 10:01 pm
by robot
Norman Nailer wrote:Ken, beyond the abstruse theorizing and the jokey stuff, there is reason to believe that you get an orange name when someone thinks you are a reliable friend of this forum.
A bit like a new porno chick graduating from the 'Add a Babe' section to the main index.
The only conundrum: ole Henry James turned orange last year, and was banned on that very same day. Possibly offended someone, but no point worrying now, for he was very quickly dead of a broken heart.
There are, after all, no immortals.
Well, Lucy Lee, perhaps.
right after he turned orange?
i think it's the same thing that happened to all the others, I messed up some setting when added to the orange friend group.... lemme check....
Re: My name is now in orange, what's going on?

Fri Jun 23, 2023 10:06 pm
by robot
I confirm. Henry james was never banned.
i guess i shouldn t have removed him from :registered users" while adding him to the friends group
henry/norman try see if that worked

Re: My name is now in orange, what's going on?

Sun Jun 25, 2023 12:02 am
by Ken
Looks like several of us, myself and Henry included, were somehow buried in the blackhole by mistake???
So, Norman is new Henry?

Re: My name is now in orange, what's going on?

Mon Jun 26, 2023 1:09 pm
by Norman Nailer
Ken wrote:So, Norman is new Henry?

Death and Rebirth are part of the beautiful tragicomic cycle of mortal existence.
A Lucy Lee brings joy to the world, and then is gone.
But lo! here is Belle Claire for us...
In her turn, she leaves the stage,
But see! Now cums Rika Fane...
All is well.
Re: My name is now in orange, what's going on?

Mon Jun 26, 2023 2:59 pm
by Ken
You need to upload a photo of yourself, Norman.
And it goes like this...

- henryjames.png (24.47 KiB) Viewed 22718 times
Re: My name is now in orange, what's going on?

Mon Jun 26, 2023 4:53 pm
by kazak
Henry/Norman is an immortal indeed, 'cause death and re-birth are precisely signs of immortality, don't they?