Flashback time, for the historically inclined.
This one turned up in the archive.
A four-scene creampie set, it features Cassie as a 'Dripping Hot Teen'.
Hot, yes of course - and certainly dripping at the end of her fuck here, but 'Teen'?
Her body's already mature here, and her genital package, shown in mouthwatering closeup, is that of a grown woman with a lot of mileage on the c(l)ock.
Nowadays Cassie operates as still-tight MILF, ruthless predator, a hyperefficient flesh-and-blood
machine for extracting copious seed from younger men.
And she only arrived in her mid-20s. In comparison La Volpetti, who did start as teen, is now mid-20s and has sucked and fucked her way through 500 scenes.
Furthermore Cassie appears to be one of those women who would have skipped the teen stage.
Y'know, those ones who a few weeks before their 15th birthday are still giggly little girlies with dolls, and then suddenly a few weeks after it they have become lustful rounded women with ripened swollen juicy genitalia, every cell in their bodies yelling out for cock and sperm.
Final reflection - on this evidence, Cassie joins the small club of women whose breasts were actually made more attractive by the surgeon's art.