Pornstars Escorts-Eurothread

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Pornstars Escorts-Eurothread

Postby campeon on Fri May 04, 2007 1:05 pm

This is one of may favourites thread of the old forum, so I guess we shold pick up where we left it....

And as a comment, it is funny that the avarege fees for escorting could be easily the double of a scene... so if you open a website you get your kicks cheaper than if you go mongering...funny isn't it?
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Postby marmaduke on Fri May 04, 2007 5:14 pm

Does anyone know if Wanda Curtis escorts now? She did at one stage but I can't remember the agency. Also, I'd be interested in meeting Wildcat, a new girl who looks very tasty, and/or Christine Diamond, a highly desirable woman. PMs with agency or other contact information for these girls are welcome.
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Postby campeon on Wed May 09, 2007 4:43 pm

Here are some agencies that have some of our girls for hire:

Right now i'd like to know if my beloved Sharka Blue can be booked. She used to be in, but that agency doesn't work anymore....
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Re: Pornstars Escorts-Eurothread

Postby dap-addict on Thu May 10, 2007 6:16 am

campeon wrote:And as a comment, it is funny that the avarege fees for escorting could be easily the double of a scene... so if you open a website you get your kicks cheaper than if you go mongering...funny isn't it?

The fees for doing porn may be lower, but for girls interested in doing escorts its a good investment anyway as porn credits bust her escort rate and bookings, too. :)

Opening a website and actually fucking your favorite porn girl is not the same I guess, no? Thus the price difference. :wink:
And you may also consider that fucking with professionals is safer for a porn girl than fucking with her fans.
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Is it real ?

Postby superduper on Thu May 10, 2007 9:31 pm

But how many real pornstars are real escorts as well ?
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Postby hansenb1 on Thu May 10, 2007 9:56 pm

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Jesus Christ, ........

Postby Mr_White on Thu May 10, 2007 10:41 pm

superduper wrote:But how many real pornstars are real escorts as well ?

... what a question. :roll:

Hope you do not expect an accurate figure.

On the guessing side I would say: Lots of them! Ok, sure not all of them, but very many.

Why? Because they can do it and they make good money with doing it.

Take it as a fact: PornoStars are making money with what they do. So do EscortGirls. Why should some limitate themselves, when they can earn good money???
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Postby Uncle Junior on Fri May 11, 2007 6:06 am

I am so glad to see the forum is back!! :D

I'm heading to Czech/Hungary this summer, and was wondering if anyone knew whether or not the following PSE's where available for private encounters. Please PM me or reply if you have a lead. Thanks! :D



Sonia Red

Lucie T

Caylian Curtis, Sophie Moone (yeah I am dreaming, but what the hell) :wink:
Last edited by Uncle Junior on Fri May 11, 2007 6:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Uncle Junior on Fri May 11, 2007 6:07 am

God she looks familiar but I can't put a name to her.. I searched the EBI, but will keep a lookout for her! :wink:
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escort agencies

Postby superduper on Fri May 11, 2007 10:48 am

But I've heard stuff about some escort agencies pretending to have famous pornstars on their books to get customers interested, but in the end they don't have them, or people don't get who they thought they would get.
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Postby jt1159 on Fri May 11, 2007 12:39 pm

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Re: escort agencies

Postby dap-addict on Fri May 11, 2007 1:17 pm

superduper wrote:But I've heard stuff about some escort agencies pretending to have famous pornstars on their books to get customers interested, but in the end they don't have them.

Sure, a lot of escort agencies lie.
But believe me, there is more porn girl escort demand than active porn girls. :wink:
Demand I guess could hardly ever be met even if every single porn girls did escort.
:arrow: :lol:
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Re: escort agencies

Postby nomad on Sat May 12, 2007 8:05 am

superduper wrote:But I've heard stuff about some escort agencies pretending to have famous pornstars on their books to get customers interested, but in the end they don't have them, or people don't get who they thought they would get.

Like in any other business, there are good and there are bad agencies. If you think about booking an escort through an agency, make sure you only deal with agencies that have a good reputation. You can find this information on the web; eg. through websites like Captain69.

Btw: Veronica Carso now advertising as independent escort:
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Veronica Carso

Postby superduper on Sat May 12, 2007 9:02 am

Veronica is very pretty and you get a good deal if you have her for 24 hrs.
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Re: escort agencies

Postby gapelover on Sat May 12, 2007 10:14 am

nomad wrote:
superduper wrote:But I've heard stuff about some escort agencies pretending to have famous pornstars on their books to get customers interested, but in the end they don't have them, or people don't get who they thought they would get.

Like in any other business, there are good and there are bad agencies. If you think about booking an escort through an agency, make sure you only deal with agencies that have a good reputation. You can find this information on the web; eg. through websites like Captain69.

Btw: Veronica Carso now advertising as independent escort:

I thought she's the wife of Greg Centauro.
Another escort ripp-off website ? :lol:
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